I can give you the present, I don't know about the future

Mamma var inne i stan idag och kom upp med räkmackor och cola! :) Mums!!! Ett perfekt avbrott i pluggandet! :D

Jag har i alla fall hunnit med att göra närvaroprovet i etik och livsfrågor, nu har jag bara delprovet kvar men det kan jag inte göra förr än imorgon.
Dax att ge sig på Folkhälsokunskapen...

Kan inte plugga utan musik...!

Disobey my own decisions
I deserve all your suspicions
First it's yes and then it's no
I dilly dally down to duo
But I've got no secrets that I babble in my sleep
I won't make promises to you that I can't keep

And you know that I love you

Here and now not forever
I can give you the present
I don't know about the future
That's all stuff and nonsense

I once lived for the future

Every day was one day closer
Greener on the other side
Yes I believed before I met you
But I soon learned your love burned brighter than the stars in my eyes
Now I know how and when, I know where and why

And you know that I love you

Here and now not forever
I can give you the present
I don't know about the future
That's all stuff and nonsense


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